torsdag den 29. december 2011

Get the pig out of the jar!

A very big `good luck´ to Ron Paul 4 days away from the Iowa caucus as the expectations are high. Lets see if Iowa are capable of showing the first sign of the authentic need of gettin rid of the porks and all their pork spending within the american political paradigm. The media is trying to paint the picture that whoever votes for Ron Paul is by forehand already descredited as a republican voter(gives you the notion of the democratic touch currently ongoing in the world, wow).

As the blog is mainly dedicated to writings pursued in danish, I will underscore the importance of the international crowd gaining awareness of the positions on economics, politics and philosophy on the other side of the atlantic(from an american perspective), therefore, the blog will be dedicated to english writing as well as danish. As a larger and more awareness growing crowd is resurfacing again for the trend of liberty in spain, some posts will most probably also be written in spanish in the up and coming months.

I look forward to providing more information on the wings of liberty in the most international language that currently exists to be enjoyed; hello english!

Ah, yeah, did you guys hear about Kent Sorenson? An iowa Senator who switched from the Bachmann campaign to the Ron Paul campagin. Watch this video explaining why*(1).

Ron Paul was once again invited onto the Jay Leno show(kudos to those guys). Watch this interview made backstage after or before the interview(im not sure). Ron Paul is eloquent and capable of responding great questions with great answers in a way that even captures the awareness of the interviewer. Pay notice to the way certain points really seem to the coming through to this guys brain. Great stuff and absolutely wonderfull to see! *(2)

To top of the delicious cake we will finish by saying good luck Ron Paul!

You can do it! (all credits given to Nike)!

1 kommentar:

  1. Just Do It is the Nike slogan... you suck by the way
